非常榮幸地宣布,Avocado 將於年度藝術盛會:《Art Taipei 台北國際藝術博覽會》中展出七位國際知名藝術家的創作!七位參展藝術家分別為:
⏺︎ 湯瑪斯・魯夫Thomas Ruff
⏺︎ 鍾孟宏Chung Mong Hong
⏺︎ 羅晟文Lo Sheng Wen
⏺︎ 何兆南South Ho Siu Nam
⏺︎ 黃贊倫Huang Zan Lun
⏺︎ 周慶輝Chou Ching Hui
⏺︎ 張靜Zhang Jing
展位編號 H05,Avocado誠摯地邀請各位,10月24-28日台北藝博期間蒞臨我們的展位。與我們一同支持優秀的當代藝術創作!
We are deeply honored to announce that Avocado will be showcasing the works of seven internationally acclaimed artists at this year's prestigious "Art Taipei" exhibition. The participating artists are:
⏺︎ Thomas Ruff
⏺︎ Chung Mong Hong
⏺︎ Lo Sheng Wen
⏺︎ South Ho Siu Nam
⏺︎ Huang Zan Lun
⏺︎ Chou Ching Hui
⏺︎ Zhang Jing
Though this marks our inaugural participation in the exhibition, we have boldly secured a substantial 91-square-meter booth. Through a highly selective process, we are proud to have been awarded a coveted location along the main aisle. With a thoughtfully curated exhibition, we are pleased to present the remarkable creations of these seven artists from a distinctive and compelling perspective. The works explore themes such as the relationship between humanity, animals, technology, religion, and civilization, offering a powerful narrative that we hope will resonate deeply with you.
We warmly invite you to visit us at Booth H05 during Art Taipei, taking place from October 24 to 28. Join us in supporting exceptional contemporary art.